Shame on you ???????? When Hitler attacked Poland in 1939, thanks to the Molotov-Ribbentrop Pact, he could count on the Soviet Union not to intervene against him. What's more, Poland was attacked from both sides, quickly destroyed and its elites murdered by both aggressors. The world merely stood by and later paid heavily for it.

Now that Putin has started a war with Ukraine, he doesn't even need a pact that guarantees him impunity. It is quite enough for him to calculate with the cowardice of Western politicians, who cannot even take such a trivial measure as excluding Russia from the SWIFT system.

Europe's inaction, weakness, and cowardice are factors that Russia's strategy obviously counts on, and I am ashamed that even in such a critical situation, politicians like Olaf Scholz cannot stand up for the right thing and real European values. We are watching appeasement politics 2.0.

History does not repeat itself, history rhymes.

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